Saturday, October 2, 2010

What's Up With This Salt Water Flush I Keep Hearing About?

The salt water flush may just be the worst part about the Master Cleanse. Is it effective? Yes. Is it something you want to do more than once? Definitely not. On the Master Cleanse, you will be chugging salt water faster than beer out of a keg at a frat party.

What is it?
The Master Cleanse detox suggests that you drink one liter of salt and water in the morning and 1 cup of detox tea at night. It sounds simple enough, but most people struggle to get through 16 ounces of water in a day! Imagine adding salt to that. The flush is not the most enjoyable experience, and that is why it's okay if you only do the salt water flush on day 1 of the Master Cleanse. After that, you can substitute detox tea for the salt water flush.

What do I do with the concoction?
You heat it up in the microwave and then begin chugging the whole liter. Of course, you can come up for air every so often but for the most part, keep drinking until it is all gone. Your stomach will most likely feel full of water. Within the hour, the salt water flush will start to do its thing. That is why it is best to start the Master Cleanse on the weekend.

What results will I get from the flush?
The results you get are exactly the reason why it is ideal that you are home alone or in a secluded bathroom. You will be on the toilet anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This concoction has the ability to clean your insides in a relatively short amount of time, so mostly water comes out. However, it can be really messy for the toilet and there will be several noises coming from the bathroom. Running water will help drown out the noise. Even if you feel like you are done, remain on the toilet just in case for an additional 5 minutes. Trust me. Although the salt water flush is a necessary evil, there is no denying that it is very effective and is a great way to start off Day 1 on the Master Cleanse.

Do you want to detox your body to lose weight and maintain your health? Get tips about a natural detox and a detox diet today!

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