Saturday, October 2, 2010

6 Ways the Lemonade Diet Rocks - It is Just That Easy!

The Lemonade Diet, also known as the Master Cleanse, may just be the easiest detox around. So, what is holding you back? Is it the fact that it actually works or that you do not have $27 bucks?
It's Cheap The only items you need to buy for the lemonade diet are lemons, spring water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. The cost of all of these ingredients is significantly cheaper than food shopping. I prefer to buy enough for 2 weeks. That way, I know that I have everything I need and I won't have to go back to the supermarket in the middle of the diet. It is just too tempting.

It is portable The lemonade diet is very portable. The easiest way is to fill 2 one-liter bottles full of the lemonade concoction. That is all you need for the entire day. You can take one with you to work and leave one bottle at home to drink later.

It requires little prep time If you are morning person, you can mix up the lemonade diet before your day starts. This does not take a lot of time at all. If you have a difficult time getting out of bed, you can fix the drink and fill up your two bottles before you go to bed. When you wake up, the only thing you have to do is throw the bottle in your bag and your done.

It does need a refrigerator The bottle of lemonade you carry around does not have to be placed in a refrigerator. Actually, it is recommended that the lemonade diet is drunk warm. This helps release toxins from the body and to cleanse your body more effectively.

It's yummy! Most people enjoy the taste of the lemonade diet. This is a big difference from other detoxes and diets that may require you to drink something that just tastes awful. Many people cannot complete these kinds of detoxes because of gag reflex.

It works!! You will be running to the toilet so much that you will have no doubt that the lemons are doing their job to cleanse your body. In addition to this, you can expect quick weight loss since you are on an all liquid diet.
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