Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lose Weight With Yogi Detox Tea

If you are looking to shed a few pounds for a special occasion, after the holidays or to fit into your old clothes, consider Yogi detox tea. The Yogi brand has over 50 teas, each with a special purpose. Yogi has two teas dedicated to weight loss, Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life and Healthy Fasting.

Detox Tea #1: Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life
Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life is a tea that supplies your body with energy while suppressing appetite at the same time. Yogi is 100% natural and includes ingredients, such as Green Tea Leaf, Hibiscus Flower, Ginseng-Eleuthero Extract, Amla Fruit, Stevia leaf, and natural flavors. You can see how these two benefits aid in weight loss. This drink gives you energy, which supports an active lifestyle. An active lifestyle means that you burn more calories. Suppressing your appetite means you will eat less. Many times, we eat not due to hunger but out of boredom. Drinking this detox tea will leave you satisfied and curb any unnecessary food cravings. To get the true benefit from this tea, bring water to a boil and steep for three minutes. Drink this twice a day preferably before a meal. Many customers enjoy the light blueberry flavor of this tea.
Detox Tea #2: Healthy Fasting

Healthy Fasting is a tea that will make a great addition to your weight loss plan. Each ingredient in this detox tea serves a different purpose. For example, Fennel and Cinnamon Bark will improve your circulation and help your stomach digest food. The Red Clover and Dandelion gets rid of toxins in your liver. Other key ingredients include Licorice Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Ginger Root, Burdock Root, and black pepper. Many customers did not favor the taste of this brew but found it very effective at suppressing appetite. For best results, bring water to a boil and steep for 5-10 minutes.

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6 Ways the Lemonade Diet Rocks - It is Just That Easy!

The Lemonade Diet, also known as the Master Cleanse, may just be the easiest detox around. So, what is holding you back? Is it the fact that it actually works or that you do not have $27 bucks?
It's Cheap The only items you need to buy for the lemonade diet are lemons, spring water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. The cost of all of these ingredients is significantly cheaper than food shopping. I prefer to buy enough for 2 weeks. That way, I know that I have everything I need and I won't have to go back to the supermarket in the middle of the diet. It is just too tempting.

It is portable The lemonade diet is very portable. The easiest way is to fill 2 one-liter bottles full of the lemonade concoction. That is all you need for the entire day. You can take one with you to work and leave one bottle at home to drink later.

It requires little prep time If you are morning person, you can mix up the lemonade diet before your day starts. This does not take a lot of time at all. If you have a difficult time getting out of bed, you can fix the drink and fill up your two bottles before you go to bed. When you wake up, the only thing you have to do is throw the bottle in your bag and your done.

It does need a refrigerator The bottle of lemonade you carry around does not have to be placed in a refrigerator. Actually, it is recommended that the lemonade diet is drunk warm. This helps release toxins from the body and to cleanse your body more effectively.

It's yummy! Most people enjoy the taste of the lemonade diet. This is a big difference from other detoxes and diets that may require you to drink something that just tastes awful. Many people cannot complete these kinds of detoxes because of gag reflex.

It works!! You will be running to the toilet so much that you will have no doubt that the lemons are doing their job to cleanse your body. In addition to this, you can expect quick weight loss since you are on an all liquid diet.
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A Natural Detox - Drinking Water

A natural detox means consuming food and liquids provided by the bountiful earth to expel toxins or lose weight. This includes fruits, vegetables, fibers and water. Although the benefits of drinking water is a known fact, many people find it challenging to drink 8 glasses a day. Here are some ways to get your necessary water intake for a natural detox.

Always have water available

Carrying a water bottle with you everywhere you go is a great way to quench your thirst on the spot. Every little sip adds up so do not worry about drinking the entire bottle at once. Water bottles are very versatile. They come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Some even can be attached to book bags or are small enough to fit conveniently in purses and small bags. Remember that juices and teas count too. If you are not very fond of water, consider these healthy alternatives for a natural detox.

Carry a larger water bottle

A larger size water bottle allows you to consume more water in one day than a regular 16 oz bottle. This is because if you only have one regular bottle of water, you will ration it out throughout the day. In the morning, you may drink half of the bottle and then finish the rest in the afternoon. If you have a larger water bottle, such as a 1 liter bottle, you still may drink half in the morning and half in the afternoon. The only difference is that the 1 liter bottle holds twice as much water as a regular bottle of water. If you drink just two 1 liter bottles of water a day, you meet the recommended 8 glasses of water a day! Larger water bottles may not always fit inside a purse and are best kept at home, in the car, at the workplace or when exercising.
Sneak in water at the right moments

Water is fantastic for a natural detox. Another way to drink more water is to sneak it in here and there. In the morning, your mouth is dry and there may be a stale taste on your tongue. This is the perfect opportunity to take a swig of water. Do this often enough, and your body will get so use to it that you can not function without it. During meals, you can increase the number of sips of water you take while eating. This will also cause any carbohydrates you consume to expand more quickly, which will prevent you from overeating. Finally, an hour before you go to bed, try to drink a half-glass of water. An hour before is recommended so you do not have to relieve yourself in the middle of the night.

Detox your body

Water is an integral part of a natural detox. Some people may never realize the importance of drinking water until they detox their body. During a detox, the body survives primarily on liquids and the true power of water is brought to the surface. You will notice its ability to regulate bowel movements, relieve headaches, cure upset stomachs and supply energy to the body. But you will never know this until you try.
Feeling sluggish? Find out more about how to naturally lose weight and be healthy at

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What's Up With This Salt Water Flush I Keep Hearing About?

The salt water flush may just be the worst part about the Master Cleanse. Is it effective? Yes. Is it something you want to do more than once? Definitely not. On the Master Cleanse, you will be chugging salt water faster than beer out of a keg at a frat party.

What is it?
The Master Cleanse detox suggests that you drink one liter of salt and water in the morning and 1 cup of detox tea at night. It sounds simple enough, but most people struggle to get through 16 ounces of water in a day! Imagine adding salt to that. The flush is not the most enjoyable experience, and that is why it's okay if you only do the salt water flush on day 1 of the Master Cleanse. After that, you can substitute detox tea for the salt water flush.

What do I do with the concoction?
You heat it up in the microwave and then begin chugging the whole liter. Of course, you can come up for air every so often but for the most part, keep drinking until it is all gone. Your stomach will most likely feel full of water. Within the hour, the salt water flush will start to do its thing. That is why it is best to start the Master Cleanse on the weekend.

What results will I get from the flush?
The results you get are exactly the reason why it is ideal that you are home alone or in a secluded bathroom. You will be on the toilet anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This concoction has the ability to clean your insides in a relatively short amount of time, so mostly water comes out. However, it can be really messy for the toilet and there will be several noises coming from the bathroom. Running water will help drown out the noise. Even if you feel like you are done, remain on the toilet just in case for an additional 5 minutes. Trust me. Although the salt water flush is a necessary evil, there is no denying that it is very effective and is a great way to start off Day 1 on the Master Cleanse.

Do you want to detox your body to lose weight and maintain your health? Get tips about a natural detox and a detox diet today!

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